For as far back as I can remember I have been dancing. It has been my passion, my love, my constant companion, and the anchor of my being. Dance has given me a purpose and provided me with the necessary impetus towards that purpose. It has been as fundamental in my life as my education, my upbringing, and my breath of fresh air.

Unconsciously, dance has always been my therapy as well. I have recovered from intellectual and physical challenges through my association with dance. I had been before strategized the use of the healing power of dance in my own life or thought that I could channelize it into healing others. I danced for the love of it and taught those who also wanted to learn. But when I saw unexpected results happen, I realized that it was an alternate way of healing.

All along the way, I have realized that it is my passion that has been my friend, philosopher, and guide.

Dance taught me, guides me, empowers me, liberates me to help me connect to the Divine.

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